Posts tagged #almighty

Best of Friday!

Yea thats right still can't come up with a witty name for the best of Friday series. Any suggestions? Anyway here are two killer joints from the DJ Site. I'm super geeked for this first one. A few months ago I played kind of out of element at a little tiny bar and had some dude say "well if you are going to play this kind of crap at least you could play Too Short's "In the Trunk". Funny now I can! I hope I see him again. Killer track IAMXL! Be sure to check out his myspace.

In the Trunk (iamxl bumpin' house remix) - Too Short file savr

Next up is a mash of a new 2 Live Crew single? Seriously these dudes are still trying to make records? Almighty let me know that they have 2 new singles out. One with Mannie Fresh. For real guys? O well still fun to hear some booty raps like doo doo brown over the super popular Akon instrumental. Probably get a couple spins into the OG of the Akon by me.

DANCE LIKE HO (NA NA NA) CLEAN DJ ALMIGHTY 2009 - 2 Live Crew x Akon file saver

Posted on January 23, 2009 and filed under Dance Tunes.