Posts tagged #design

Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Extended Remix)

Awesome news! You have a chance to design Deadmau5's next mau5head. "deadmau5 is inviting aspiring designers to submit their most creative and unique mau5head design for the chance to have it produced as the next deadmau5 head." Check out all the details about the contest and submit your entry on its White Folks Get Crunk page and watch the video below.

Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon (Madeon Extended Remix)

Posted on June 1, 2011 and filed under Contest, Dance Tunes, Remix, Stuff.

Cool Kids T-Shirt Design Contest & Stunnaz On Remix

Ok this is illy, design a t shirt for the cool kids and win 10 gz? Who couldn't use an extra 10 Gz lying around? And what a sick concept, 'We’re looking to find the illest t-shirt design that exemplifies the style, creativity, originality, and straight up dopeness of the Cool Kids!' Yea that is ill check it out over at karmaloop and bring your A game for sure on this one designers. Contest Rules and Entry

And just in case you needed a little inspiration a hyphy joint from the yay area featuring the Cool Kids about what other than stunnnannnannauz. Hyphy still the next crunk? Anybody make it? If so send it my way!

Stunnas On (Remix) - Starski Ft. The Cool Kids mediafire

Posted on December 6, 2008 and filed under Contest, Dance Tunes, Hood Music.