DJ Tical (Germany) is one of the hardest dudes to rep WFGC, no doubt about that. He just dropped this bootleg of Wiz Khalifa's No Sleep over Katy Perry's, Peacock (WTF is this song?). It definitely gives it more of a party feel.
Katy Perry - Wide Awake (gLAdiator Trap Refix)
Katy Perry - Part of Me (Mikael Wills Bootleg)
Big remix of some Katy Perry song I haven't heard yet. That can only mean one thing. I'm about to hear it A LOT.
Grimblee X Katie Perry - ET ON X FILES (PHNM BLEND)
New blend by PHNM. Copped off the crunkbook. < holler
Last Friday Night On My Own (Friendly Greg's Cat Lady Blend)
Friendly Greg (aka Panda Toes) just dropped this "Dancing On My Own" v. "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" mash-up. For those who don't know, we go way back. 9 Minutes of Funk way back.
Last Friday Night On My Own (Friendly Greg's Cat Lady Blend) by FriendlyGreg
Forgot About Dre (DJs Camille & Kontrol Peacock Mash) (Dirty)
Why is this dope? Forget About Dre is a crowd favorite that doesn't get played much (at least by me). Also the hype on the intro from California Love is a nice touch. Much better than anything with Fatman Scoop or Lil Jon. Something different. Apparently this is blend over a Katy Perry song. Not one I have heard, yet.
Forgot About Dre (DJs Camille & Kontrol Peacock Mash) (Dirty) by DJ Camille
T.G.I.MilkyDay (Katy Perry, Mord Fustang) by The Catalina Rhyme Mixers
New mashup from The Catalina Rhyme Mixers. I will say I do prefer the one Jayceeoh did over this Mord Fustang joint (check for that one here). However this one will come in handy with the top 40 chicks. You know the type, the ones who complain they want to dance but no one is and tell you not to play the remix of songs. Those chicks will dance to this for sure. Then after they are clearly having a good time dancing and singing along they will tell you that you should have played the 'not remix' of it.
T.G.I.MilkyDay (Katy Perry, Mord Fustang) by The Catalina Rhyme Mixers
Katy Perry vs. Daft Punk - Make Love Friday Night [Adam1Time Blend]
New blend from Adam1Time. Copped from the crunkbook.
Katy Perry vs. Daft Punk - Make Love Friday Night [Adam1Time Blend] by Adam1Time