Drankenstein - Bird Peterson (download this right now or jump off a building)
So... This right here, is completely awesome. Bird Peterson, you my friend are a wizard. Very well done. This is probably going to be the soundtrack to my summer, as in the CD that doesn't leave the deck in my old school Buick for 6 lovely months. Taken from the Mad Decent blog:
We are pleased to present you with another free ALBUM worth of material, Bird Peterson's "Drankenstein" project! It's 15 tracks that are all southern hip hop remixes, made from some of Bird's favorite trance samples - but be warned - these aren't meant for ironic yucks - this is just some damn good remix production with a solid theme- go Bird! words from Bird: "It's based on an idea I started working with when i created the Dope Boys remix for Diplo's recent Guccimane mix. This is my amalgamation of two trends i've always loved: the dirty south and the use of trance synths in current rap. Here I have taken 15 or so of my favorite southern rap songs and 15 or so of my favorite trance synth lines to create something thats not corny or funny, it's simply the motherfudgin' jam!
Bird Peterson — Drankenstein Download
- Library Desk Graffiti Says: April 22nd, 2010 at 6:29 am editI upped a ZIP of the mix split into tracks. 192 kb/s – 88mb
Just in case you guys don't ever click through to see the comments. I know I wouldn't.......