Posts tagged #mike relm

Mike Relm Interview, show this Friday in Chicago

If you're in the Chicago area, hopefully you know about the show going down this Friday at the House of Blues. Should be epic. Zebo, Tittsworth, Dani Deahl, Willy Joy and Mike Relm. Check out the facebook event here. We have a pair of tickets to give away for this show as well.

To Enter! 1. Get on facebook and like WFGC 2. Use the cool @ feature including @White Folks Get Crunk and something about wanting Mike Relm tickets and you have entered for your chance to win a pair. It has to become a link for us to know you've entered, so make sure you do it the right way!

How do you describe what you do when people ask? I’m sure people ask all the time what it is exactly you do. I always have a tough time giving good answers to that question, mostly because I can’t just summarize what in one or two buzzwords. DJing and music production is part of what I do, just like directing, and editing video is.

It seems you have grown into a sort of new media creative renaissance man. Where do you find your roots. Music/Djing? or Film/Video-editing? I always thought of music in a visual way, and vice versa. I guess you can say my roots are a hybrid of both, I just excelled at DJing first.

What sort of a balance do you have in your work routine between video and audio? Or has the line between audio and video pretty much blurred for you since you finished Spectacle? The line’s been completely blurred, especially since my work includes my live show, commercials, and YouTube channel. They’re all related to each other in one way or another, so it keeps my mind focused.

I have never been to one of your live shows. I’ve seen a few quick clips on youtube. What exactly should I expect seeing you live for the first time? My live show is very different from what you see on YouTube. I’ve seen a lot of those clips and most of them really don’t capture what’s going on as a whole. It’s like that with any live show, seeing a recording of it just isn’t the same. Plus, my shows are a great place to meet people. I’ve met quite a few happy couples who told me they met each other at one of my shows. I met one awesome couple who’s actually getting married. I think they had fun at my show.

Where did the suit come from? H&M

On average what kind of hours do you put into one of your videos, for instance the Iron Man trailer? It’s tough to tell, I just kept working on it until I finished.

Speaking of the Iron Man trailer how did the official project come about? What kind of gap was there between you finishing the original trailer and the studio contacting you about creating the official version? I had uploaded the original to YouTube on a Tuesday, Jon Favreau hit me up that Friday. Things moved quickly with Paramount/Marvel since the film was going to be released within weeks. It was awesome collaborating with them.

Not sure I have seen a photo of your feet yet. I’m sure you probably have a few pairs of sneakers lying around. What is your favorite pair? Or better yet, what pair are you looking for? I’m all about red sneakers. I keep it simple with some red suede Pumas or Nike Air Force One lows.

Check out these tracks from The Pitch.

MP3: Mike Relm, “Everytime (feat. Del the Funky Homosapien and Adrian Hartley),” Spectacle (Radio Fried Recordings)

MP3: Mike Relm, “Body Rock (feat. Morningwood and Gift of Gab),” Spectacle (Radio Fried Recordings)

MP3: Mike Relm, “Hot to Trot (feat. Alfredo Ortiz),” Spectacle, (Radio Fried Recordings)

MP3: Mike Relm, “Tron,” Spectacle, (Radio Fried Recordings)

Posted on October 11, 2010 and filed under Dance Tunes, Interviews.