Posts tagged #wfgc tv

Rascal Flats and Ron White Live at S.O.P's (Peoria, IL)

Lucked into this one. Ron White and Rascal Flats come into S.O.P's while I was there and did an impromptu show as a part of an open mic contest. Part 1 - "Little Change in My Pocket"

Part 2 - "Summer of 69"

Part 3 - "Probably some rascal flats song but who knows" (Funny! Ron White does a lead in, tells a couple jokes and this is the one when Lisa and Ron White were dancing)

Part 4 - "Jesse's Girl"

So yea I don't really know any Rascal Flat songs, I do know they are a uber-popular country band that people who like country hate, but still pretty interesting evening.

Posted on September 28, 2008 and filed under Events, Stuff.