Posts tagged #dj semi

Love Ya & Dancefloor! Top Billin & DJ Semi

OK I usually don't post two tracks together like this. But they are both a little laid back so I thought I would lump them together. I dunno guess I was just in a bit of a mellower mood this morning getting ready for the big job. The first one comes courtesy of Hot Biscuits and is like a b'more juke sorta jam. Synth's come in and will probably give you chills, that is if you have ever been on the dance floor, or any dance floor.

Dancefloor - Top Billin download

The next jam comes from and is a definite b'more banger. Featuring a sample all the old school hip hop heads will know and love. A number of big time artists flipped the beat, probably why I am in love with this one so much. Again super laid back.

Love Ya - DJ Semi download

DEFinition: The Art and Design of Hip-Hop

Posted on March 4, 2009 and filed under Dance Tunes, White Folks Get Crunk.